Case Study
Cedar Fair – Hardware
Carbon once again teams up with Cramer Krasselt to design, direct and produce four more cgi films to promote the awesome new Cedar Fair coasters: HangTime, Steel Vengeance, Rail Blazer, and Twisted Timbers. We had the chance to mobilize a ‘tri-coastal’ team of super-skilled artists in our Chicago, Los Angeles and New York studios.
- Production Company Carbon
- Director Liam Chapple
- EP/Managing Director Phil Linturn
- Creative Director Liam Chapple
- Producer Beth Skopp
- Storyboards Dan MacDonald
- Concept Art Vincent Morin
- Concept Art Felip Hansen
- Matte Painting Ben Girdwood
- Matte Painting Henrik Holmberg
- Matte Painting Mark Ross
- CG Lead Tim Little
- CG Carlos Sandoval
- CG Todd Kumpf
- CG Gary Fouchy
- CG Ben Girdwood
- CG Mike Marsek
- CG Chin Lee
- CG Jeremy Ontiveros
- CG Jimmy San
- CG Quin Barclay
- CG Petur Arnorsson
- CG Steve Burger
- Ocean FX TD Chris Friesen
- Comp Lead Daniel Pernikoff
- Comp Adam Thompson
- Comp Danny Noren
- Comp Tim Little
- Comp Chris Beers
- Comp Jon Jamison
- 2D Animation Luca Vitale
- 2D Animation Andy Kennedy
- 2D Animation Sebastien Iglesias
- 2D Animation Peter Ahern
- Color Jeff Altman
- Finish Michael Anderson

In the early development stage, our style frames pushed these films into a more graphic space, even incorporating 2d animated elements to enhance the 3d action. The rest of the magic was achieved through a combination of digital matte painting, detailed sculpting, complex simulations and effects, all brought together by our fantastic Nuke compositing and color team.

The resulting 4 films are an adrenaline-fueled race through desert landscapes, twisting canyons, enchanted orchards and the crashing waves of the Californian coast.